Digital Tuesday – Important Moment Scrapbooking

#132562 $2.95
This week my daughter announced her new baby due in November with these cute pictures of my granddaughter holding a chalkboard sign declaring her upcoming status as ‘Big Sister’! So cute!! And so exciting! And ‘Big Sister’ has a new cousin coming in October, so this November baby will be grandbaby #5! Wow – I feel so blessed!
We all know it’s important to document family milestones. And we know that scrapbooking is a fantastic way to do it, but sometimes we don’t scrapbook these events because of our perfectionism. We don’t want to do it unless we can do it ‘right.’ I guess that’s one of the many things I LOVE about MDS. I can do it, do it ‘right’ and do it FAST!
With traditional scrapbooking I would have spent a couple of hours creating a layout for these pictures, but with MDS this layout took me 10 minutes!! I selected the Split Second Designer Template, dropped in the pictures, shifted the ‘arrow’ embellishment a little to fit the picture and added journaling – that’s it! Done!
And the best part!? – 25% off on select digital downloads and printing!
Plus a FREE download this week – Teacher’s gift template, Packed for You
Click on the pictures below for more details.

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25% off on Select Digital Downloads and Printing
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Just a reminder to document the important moments in life. You’ll be glad you did.
Enjoy! Julie