So Very Grateful!
Yesterday started as a great day. I got up early, enjoyed my bible study, did a little work, went to a spin class, came home and quickly showered to go to a meeting at the church, went to the church for a relatively short meeting with some sweet ladies and that was the end of the great day!
My husband was working from his home office on Wednesday. He had been on conference calls all morning. When I walked in the door at 1:00 I found him passed out on the floor of the kitchen. He had been slicing tomatoes for a sandwich. He turned to put the knife in the sink, slipped and fell with the butcher knife in his hand, hit his head, and cut himself badly and had gone into shock! Of course, I was in shock too by this time! It was a horrific experience to find him like that.
He was taken by ambulance to the emergency room and I was SOOOO thrilled when I was finally able to see him and he was coherent AND he had a great report from the doctor – no significant injuries. They kept him overnight for observation, but he is fine now and I am SOOOO very happy to have him home!
Love that good man I married many years ago!
I made this little sign this afternoon when we got home from the hospital.
Here’s a PDF copy if you are feeling grateful for the wonderful people in your life! So Grateful printable
Enjoy! Julie