just believe fun flower thank you card

What Not to Stamp!!

just believe fun flower thank you card Remember this flower made with a dryer sheet and lots of sparkle ?  Well, funny story –  when the EMTs came to the house and took my husband by ambulance to the hospital last week they cut his clothes off, which is standard practice in trauma incidents.  So the nurse at the hospital gave him a set of disposable scrubs to wear and that’s what he wore home when he was released because I did not even think to bring him clothes when I came back the next day.  Needless to say, I was a little overwhelmed and wasn’t really thinking straight.

This morning when I was doing laundry, I found the ‘paper’ scrubs in the laundry basket.  And I actually thought for a few seconds, “I wonder what I could make out of these!!!???”  Yes, crazy thought!  But I’m sure someone, somewhere, could make something beautiful out of it with enough bling, but not me.  I decided to throw them away!  Sorry, to disappoint you, but NO ‘paper’ scrub flower tutorial today.

Enjoy, Julie


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